A quick Google search for “thyroid diets” will give you a mere 288,000,000 results. Did someone say #paralysisbyanalysis?! 😳
Of the 288 million web pages touting the “BeSt DiEt fOr ThYrOiD”, the gluten-free diet is the most popular recommendation! And while there is valid research behind the rationale to adopt a gluten-free diet, research universally agrees that going gluten-free alone won’t make as big of an impact as you may have been sold.
What I often hear from clients who have been on a gluten-free diet to help manage their Hashimoto’s is that they initially felt good, but that the began to plateau and actually backtracked to feeling just like they did before giving up gluten. What the heck, right?!
Nowadays, there are so many gluten-free alternatives which, thank goodness, because who doesn’t want a treat here and there? But a gluten-free cookie is still a cookie, and gluten-free pizza is still pizza, and gluten-free bread is still bread. Just because it is gluten-free doesn’t mean healthier than the gluten-filled alternative. Really, it doesn’t even mean “healthy”.
Studies actually unanimously agree that going gluten-free alone is not enough to dramatically impact the immune system and thyroid function, but that a gluten-free diet COMBINED with a nutrient-dense and anti-inflammatory
Nutrient density is SO important in the diet because the body requires a lot of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and antioxidants to function at full capacity. In order for the body to produce thyroid hormones, convert thyroid hormones, absorption and utilize thyroid hormones takes a LOT of energy and micronutrients!
Here is a formula to build a balanced, nutrient-dense plate that supports your metabolism, hormones, and thyroid! It’s not just a gluten-free diet, but a gluten-free, anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense diet!
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