Nicole’s Holistic Nutrition Approaches Include:
- Education on what is going on in your body and why you may be experiencing pain
- Foods to avoid to best manage your condition
- Therapeutic foods to boost your natural metabolic patterns
- The role of stress on brain function
- Targeted and individualized supplementation protocols
- How certain foods can affect our mood and physical symptoms
- Natural approaches to boost cognitive function
- The role of the gastrointestinal tract on mood and brain health
- The role of inflammation in chronic pain
Recommended Laboratory Tests:
- SpectraCell Micronutrient Panel
- SpectraCell CardioMetabolic Panel
- Genetic Direction Gx-Slim & Gx-Renew
- Oxford Biomedical LEAP MRT Food Sensitivity Panel
Nicole is happy to review labs drawn by your physician (including hormonal panels, comprehensive metabolic panels, complete blood counts, thyroid panels, urinalysis, and others as warranted)